Look At Me

Look at me.

Are you uncomfortable? Do my words make you uncomfortable?

Does me sharing my pain makes you want to turn your phone off? Glance away in the direction of rainbows and unicorns?

You can always delete me! Go on, don’t feel guilty. That’s even more insulting!

I’m going to still be here.

I’ll continue to show up and make you feel uncomfortable. Because when you feel uncomfortable, you FEEL!

You feel something. And I am here to make you feel. I am here to show you my pain, which is also your pain but just with a different context.

A different story.

When you feel with me, you feel with yourself and about yourself.

When you feel pity, you are feeling pity for yourself! When you feel angry, you are feeling angry with yourself.

I am a mirror. I am showing you the parts of you you do not want to see. The parts of you that you have been hiding from.

I am here to make you feel. Do you feel?

Look at me.

Pelagia Pais (28/04/2020)

What happens when I allow the part of me who has been kept quiet to come out and write? What happens when I allow my anger and defiance to speak? What happens when I allow myself to be 'too much'?

Pelagia Pais is an Intuitive. She offers Intuitive Sessions that include many of the gifts she has uncovered in herself in the last few years. She is a writer and an artist, and you can read more of what she writes in her blog ‘It’s not all happiness and coconuts’.

If you are looking for a morning routine to help you ground your energy in yourself, be more present and start the day feeling calm and centred, check her Morning Star Practice - A Standing Guided Meditation here: www.pelagiapais.com/shop. The practice is available in different prices that suit all pockets and is a form of contributing to her work and continued offerings.